It was such a treat to discover this new book on the shelf at Poetry stores – Share: The Cookbook. It is a celebration of women who have survived war …
Lemon curd swiss roll
As mentioned before, I just adore South African food icon Phillippa Cheifitz and her recipes. She’s probably the reason that I want to write my own recipe book (and will, …
An Easter garden tea party with Poetry stores
Next weekend many of us will be celebrating the Easter holidays – a time for utter indulgence in terms of festive family foods and sweet treats. The friendly team from …
Classic chocolate cupcakes
A few years ago, before I even considered changing careers from music to food, I was already a huge fan of food TV. I watched Nigella, Jamie and Bill religiously …
Cheat’s “macarons” with jam and cream
There is a universal love all over the world for cake with cream and jam; it’s an age-old trend. You’ll find it in the form of swiss rolls, cream cakes, …
Red velvet cake
It seems that there’s a red velvet cake revival every 2 years. In fact, I did a post on red velvet cupcakes exactly 2 years ago (on the 28th of …
Angel cake with white chocolate ganache and banana cream
This Valentines Day will mark the 1 year anniversary of working with the fabulous food team from The Pretty Blog, Nicola and Tasha. I wrote my first post for TPB …

Custard cake
I consider myself very lucky to have grown up in our neighbourhood in Uniepark, Stellenbosch. There were many other children around, and we would play in the park across our …
Carrot cake with dates and pecans
Somehow I always feel a bit less guilty when indulging in carrot cake instead of chocolate cake, or any other cake for that matter. The carrots, raisins, dates and pecan …
Glazed lemon and coconut loaf
My second Mother’s Day is coming up this Sunday – our beautiful daughter is 1 and a half years old. My husband will be returning from Johannesburg on Sunday morning …