The colder months in Stellenbosch are magical. Trees turn gold to orange to deeply auburn, then shed their colourful leaves in the streets before standing bare against the moody grey …
Chocolate brioche
My sister is a keen baker. She specifically loves baking ciabatta loaves for her family and for dinner guests, and uses great quality stone ground flour for her bread. They …
Review: Dinner at Bistrot Bizerca
I was invited to Bistrot Bizerca in November last year for a preview of their summer menu for 2013/2014. I couldn’t attend on the planned date and sadly had to …
Sardines and tomato on toast
My father is a very unique guy. At 63 he is one of the fittest and most active people I know – even after his 5-part heart bypass 18 years …
Potato gnocchi with panfried mushrooms & sage butter
Potato gnocchi has a bad reputation for being difficult and temperamental. I recently got the hang of it and it is now a regular favourite in my household. It’s amazing …
Review: New winter special menu at Terroir
I was invited to attend the media launch of Terroir‘s new winter special menu on the 14th of May. As I have been to Terroir quite a few times since …
Review: A secret dinner at Grootbos
A few weeks ago I received an invitation from the Secret Eats team to join one of their secret dinner adventures on the 5th of April 2014. I was only …
Roasted sweet potatoes with brown sugar & orange
When I was a child, my Mother used to roast whole sweet potatoes in the oven for dinner, skin and all. She didn’t do much to them, so they didn’t …
Easy English pork pies with onion gravy
I’ve always had a special interest in comfort food, and the Brits do it so well with their traditional pub fare. The idea of proper bangers with buttery mash and …
Stellenblog: my unforgettable week in pictures
Last week, I had the privilege of joining the #Stellenblog group of bloggers on an amazing journey of discovering the magic of Stellenbosch. Acting as the local host, I had …