While the days are getting slightly shorter as we move towards the end of February in the Cape, the bountiful summer fruit harvests are almost beyond their peak. I love …
Crustless milk tart
It was only a matter of time before I would do a post on one of the most loved South African classic sweet treats: the dreamy milk tart. Being a …
Franck Dangereux’s oil bread
The smell of freshly baked bread never seems to lose it’s magic. It is probably one of the simplest ways to make people feel warm and happy – by sharing …
Cinnamon heart cookies
This morning I made Sasko’s “cinnamon hearts” from their cookbook, live on Expresso Breakfast Show on SABC3. Valentines Day is here, and it’s a great idea to give your loved …
Chocolate tart with fresh berries
I got married 8 years ago on the 14th of February 2004 – it was the first Saturday in February that suited everyone. Although we’d been dating for 4 years …
Garlic pita with caprese salad
If there is one country’s food that I love above all else, it has to be Italy. Simple food, using the best ingredients, to be enjoyed without fuss or pretense. …
Chocolate pumpkin cake
Tomorrow morning I will be making my cooking début on live television, whooohoooooo! The lovely people from SABC3 Expresso Breakfast Show and Sasko have invited me to be a regular …
Grilled nectarine salad with roasted chicken, feta, rocket and peanuts
A serious heat wave is currently ruling the Cape. Over the last few days in Stellenbosch the mercury has risen to 40 degrees Celsius. On days like these it is …
Old-fashioned koeksisters
If there was ever a koeksister fanatic, it is my Mother. She has a permanent stock of koeksisters in her freezer (she believes they taste better when kept really cold), …
Warm potato salad with blanched asparagus, crispy bacon and gruyere cheese
After about 2 weeks of blissful beach-holiday delight, I am back in my own kitchen and back in front of my keyboard. And it feels good! I suppose this holiday …