After months of planning, dreaming, building and visualizing, it gives me tremendous pleasure to introduce my brand new project to you. Situated in central Stellenbosch, the demo KITCHEN is a multi-faceted new food studio where I’ll continue to host my demo dinners and generate food content in the form of recipes, text and photographs. The space is also partly a kitchen retail outlet where you will find an array of KitchenAid appliances, Wusthof knives & utensils, Riedel glassware and much more.

Co-owned by myself and Mari Kleynhans, the demo KITCHEN hosted invited guests and media earlier in July for two exclusive launch events. Our shop is now officially open to the public, so please come by and we’ll tell you more about our in-store specials.
While the demo KITCHEN is not a restaurant, it is a unique addition to the growing culinary offering in Stellenbosch. the demo KITCHEN will also cater to foreign guests who want to experience and learn more about local Winelands heritage food. Situated inside a recently restored official heritage site in the center of town dated to 1785, the demo KITCHEN is also a landmark destination for guests who appreciate the rich history of Stellenbosch.

Keep an eye on our Facebook page for updates on upcoming events, demos and workshops. We can also host your private function or showcase your product, so talk to us for a tailored experience.
Thank you to Tasha Seccombe for taking these beautiful pictures of the demo KITCHEN.
Opening hours:
Mon-Fri: 09h00-17h00
Sat: 09h00-13h00
Demo dinners: Tue & Thu, 19h00-21h00
Closed on public holidays.
Contact us:
[email protected] / [email protected]
Tel: 021-813 5932
Address: 3a Drostdy Street, Stellenbosch, 7600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thedemokitchen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/the_demoKITCHEN
Our kitchen was designed by Dave Leatt.
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